Taxes & Auditing
Our students specializing in taxes and auditing devote parts of their studies to special business administration for companies in the areas of tax consulting and auditing.
In the age of globalization, these two areas are becoming increasingly complex in today's economic world. The requirements for companies/entrepreneurs in the area of company taxation, (international) accounting or the valuation of companies in the case of company sales or inheritances, to name just a few applications to name, are constantly increasing.
A high level of professional competence, also in the area of tax and commercial law, is just as important for the targeted advice of customers as sociability, communication skills and customer orientation.

Course structure
The business administration course at the WelfenAkademie lasts three years and is divided into 6 semesters.Each semester consists of a theoretical and a practical phase.
The theoretical part of the course at the WelfenAkademie comprises around 1,500 hours of attendance The workload is 5,400 hours. The course is divided into modules (see below). A half-year of basic studies (1st – 3rd semester) consists of an average of 12 weeks of theory and 14 weeks of practice. In the main course (4th – 6th semester), professional practice is given higher priority and the theory phase lasts 8 weeks, the practical phase 18 weeks.
Successful completion of the business administration course leads tothe acquisition of the professionally qualifying academic university degree Bachelor of Arts (BA).
Course of Module
The business administration course at the WelfenAkademie Braunschweig is also divided into modules (teaching units), each of which relates to related course content. Each of these modules requires a certain amount of work (“workload”) on the part of the student. This workload is based on the ECTS standard for awarding credit points.
One credit point at the WelfenAkademie corresponds to the workload of an average student. For the successful completion of the bachelor's degree, 180 credit points are required in the business administration degree, 30 credit points in each semester.
Each module must be completed with an examination (written exam, oral exam, presentation, homework, etc.) The exact allocation of credit points to the individual modules, the type of courses in the Business Administration course and the type of module examination can be seen in the download area in the category Information on the Dual Studies Business Administration.
Compulsory modules
- Business Mathematics / Statistics
- Business Informatics / English
- soft skills
- ABWL I: System company
- ABWL II: internal / external accounting
- ABWL III: Financial Processes
- ABWL IV: Management
- Economics I: Introduction, micro / macroeconomics, economic policy
- Economics II: monetary theory / policy,balance of payments /currency systems, environmental / distribution policy
- Business Law I: Introduction, Civil Law and Public Law
- Business Law II: Commercial / Corporate Law, Internet Law, Labor and Social Law
Elective modules
- Special Business Administration IV (depending on the subject)
- two advanced modules
Degree in Business Administration successfully re-accredited
The ZEvA (Central Evaluation and Accreditation Agency Hanover) has reaccredited the WelfenAkademie's business administration course with a Bachelor of Arts degree. The re-accreditation certificate allows the WelfenAkademie to continue to award the recognized Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree!
The reaccreditation is valid until the end of the 2023/2024 academic year.
In summary, ZEvA evaluates the course as follow
"According to the assessment of the expert group, the vocational academy has done an outstanding job of interlinking theory and practice. Irrespective of the higher proportion of practical work, the scientific qualification of the graduates is secured.”(Reaccreditation 2017)
“The WelfenAkademie’s dual training course in business administration, which has been running successfully for five years, takes three years to study and is credited with 180 ECTS points. He convinces with the good contact of the academy with both the students and the cooperating companies, individual support of the students in small seminar groups and an overall very good academic success.“(re-accreditation 2009)