You can get non-academic language studies course that lasts from 3-12 months with duration for at least 18 hours of lessons in a week. This is the kind of course which you might to aim to prepare for your further academic studies.

Apart from this, there are also pre-academic German language course in which you participate before sitting for any of the recognized tests and studies which is a university prerequisite before your final admission in studies.

Furthermore, there’s this preparatory foundation course “Studienkolleg studies” that aims to prepare you for the qualification test termed as “Feststellungsprüfung” and once you have successfully passed it, you must expect to obtain a recognized university entrance qualification, called as “Hochschulzugangsberechtigung” (note: this only applies if you are among those foreign students in Germany whose school leaving certificate is not recognized in the country of Germany).

Additionally, there are propaedeutic courses that offer specific knowledge, academic and language skills which relates to methodology and education system that prevails in the country of Germany. These courses lie in the hands of the education providers where you are actually studying at.

It is believed that participation in an internship must be a precondition that is kept for admission in study program for instance; university of applied sciences. Thus, partaking in a preliminary internship is mandatory.

When you receive the admission confirmation from any of the German Universities, you are now eligible for your relevant studies leading to a recognized degree of higher education, like in the bachelor section it is B.Sc., BA, BSEng and for the masters it is M.Sc., MA, MEng and PhD.